I am a tech entrepreneur for the past 6 years, with extensive prior experience in the IT business, in the IT service delivery sector. After working as an employee with medium and large size companies and implementing digital tools to help clients improve performance and efficiency, I started my own practice, as an IT consultant at first. Guided by the management by objectives principles and bringing the business perspective into the tech and product teams I work with, led me to understand the value of good reporting tools and the importance of accurate business data for the survival of any company.
RaBit ERP (Rise a Bit) was born from this desire to give a competitive edge to the “little guy” (SMEs) that can not afford expensive and sophisticated digital tools, but can not grow and perform without adequate support on the project management level. I am building now RaBit, with a small and dedicated team, addressing a sector that is famous for the lack of innovation and digital initiatives, the AEC (Architecture, Engineering and Construction).